I'll use my book review for the answer:
Extensive and well-annotated work with an informative introduction, presenting 38 out of 600 known and preserved Coptic Spells dated from III-XI centuries, in Faiyumic, Sahidic and Middle Egyptian, Bohairic coptic language variants
Usually, when it comes to magickal technology, I observe the meta-structure of superoganic ideas, therefore the “deep grammar” of a given tradition, the mechanics torn of context and words, once I grasp it in historical setting, I tend to understand the “fillings”, whether be it sacred names, kharakteres*, figures, formularies etc.
Of course, a tradition would not work without a metaphysical system backing it, in mere isolation, in this case this is hooked up under Judeo-Christian layering architecture. How to understand an “architecture”? It is a historical layer construed magically that is filtering the powers, forces, natures of Earth, the Solar System and the stars in a specific religo-ethno-magickal way, attempting to bind objective forces to the given religion, tradition etc. Sometimes it is supported by cohorts of souls working in these traditions, after they were conceived in a particular belief-system, sometimes it is pointless, attempting to rebrand older traditions in new ways.
On a personal note: It seems that Judeo-Christian traditions didn't go to any extent to understand more profound ancient mysteries, like the Pharaonic deities Isis-Osiris-Horus, whose cults ceased to be operational by 5th century modern era, nevertheless they were preserved in Coptic Papyri in a mixture of Christianity and Egyptian ancient cults.
However, the Christian traditions were all to ready to appropriate them and reinterpret in the light of the mint new religion of Constantine the Great that enforced Christianity upon the peoples by an imperial decree in 313, whereas the numbers of Christians started to rise from barely 2-3 mln throughout the 45-mln strong Empire to greater numbers, and in Egypt from 10% to 70% population respectively.
People who got converted were usually either not educated in the magical techniques, they were not professional philosopher-magicians (an interesting deviation may be Cyprian the Magician, patron of Christian magick, when he got converted), but of rather lowly castes, nevertheless the reification of divine philosophies into a new religious “vehicle” was both a curse and a blessing, a curse because it destroyed the genuine traditions, a blessing because for those knowing how to read throughout it preserved extremely important essences.
*As I have discovered, the “kharakteres” might have been the source of seals and symbols in Picatrix (Buqratis by Pseudo-Maslama Al-Majriti), for example, carried on into later traditions, and the genuine encoding was that of letters written as voces mysticae, acquiring a sacred meaning.
Dosoo, Korshi and Preininger, Markéta. Papyri Copticae Magicae: Coptic
Magical Texts, Volume 1: Formularies, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2024
Isis, Osiris and Horus survived well into - at least - 9th century and they were co-worshiped with Jesus, Mary etc.