Are there any myths or stories where someone asks an oracle (or prophet or deity) tricky questions in order to test/trick/falsify it, which results in punishment of the doubter?
Two examples, which do not match completely:
Herodotus reports that king Croesus tested several oracles for their knowledge and is later misled by the Delphic oracle regarding his war against the Persians.
However, Herodotus seems not to indicate that the ambiguity of the Delphic answer is a direct consequence of Croesus' initial skepticism.
In "Oedipus the King" by Sophocles, king Laius' attempt to thwart a Delphic prophecy is the ultimate cause for the fulfillment of that prophecy. However, Laius is just reacting; he has never approached the oracle with a malicious or cunning intent in the first place.
The two examples I have given are from Greek mythology, but I am interested in the stories of any religion, place, and epoch.