In the beginning of the 2017 film Wonder Woman, Diana aka Wonder Woman, is read a story by her mom, Queen Hippolyta, supposedly corresponding to Queen Hippolyta of Greek mythology.
The story begins:
Long ago, when time was new... ...and all of history was still a dream... ...the gods ruled the earth. Zeus king among them. Zeus created beings over which the Gods would rule. Beings born in his image... ...fair and good, strong and passionate. He called his creation "Man". And mankind was good.
My question is about the next parts of the story:
But Zeus' son.. grew envious of mankind... ...and sought to corrupt his father's creation. This was Ares, the God of War.
Ares poisoned men's hearts with jealousy and suspicion. He turned them against one another... ...and war ravaged the Earth.
So, the gods created us, the Amazons... influence men's hearts with love... ...and restore peace to the Earth.
Transcript is from Springfield! Springfield!.
I cannot find anything like these on the Wiki pages for Ares or Amazons.
Does the DC mythology as described by DC Hippolyta differ from Greek mythology in these aspects?
You may include elaborations to ultimately answer the title question instead of just the question above, but please use spoiler tags especially if, oh I don't know, Hippolyta was wrong or lying or something. I just wanna know how different the 3 aforementioned statements are from actual Greek mythology.
I use 'different' instead of 'wrong' or 'inaccurate' to treat DC mythology as a definition instead of a something that is supposed to mimic Greek mythology but fails to do so.