In Smith's "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.", the entry for the Pleiades states:
According to another story, the Pleiades were virgin companions of Artemis, and, together with their mother Pleione, were pursued by the hunter Orion in Boeotia; their prayer to be rescued from him was heard by the gods, and they were metamorphosed into doves (peleiades), and placed among the stars (Hygin. Poet. Astr. ii. 21; Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. iii. 226; Pind. Nem. ii. 17).
Following up the citations:
Hyginus, Astronomica 2.21 doesn't mention Artemis, although it does mention all the other elements of the story - Orion, Boeotia, etc.
Pindar's Nemean Odea only makes a brief remark anout Orion needing (wanting?) to stay close to the Pleiades.
The Scholiast on Apollonius (many thanks to @b-a for directing me to and I'm less sure about, since I don't know the Greek language well. But I cannot see the name "Artemis" (Αρτεμις) there at all.
Am I correct that none of these three sources refer to any possible link between Artemis and the Pleiades? Or can someone fluent in Greek see something in the Scholiast I couldn't?
(As a possible follow-up question... is there anything in the texts and scholiasts that does state "Yes, the Pleiads were among Artemis's companions", or indeed testify to any link other than Taygete giving her the Hind?)
Thanks all.