
Set /sɛt/ or Seth /sɛθ/ (Egyptian: stẖ;[a]) is a god of deserts, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion.1 In Ancient Greek, the god's name is given as Sēth (Σήθ). Set had a positive role where he accompanies Ra on his solar boat to repel Apep, the serpent of Chaos.1 Set had a vital role as a reconciled combatant.1 He was lord of the red (desert) land, where he was the balance to Horus' role as lord of the black (soil) land.1 Set


Ka, also (alternatively) Sekhen,1 was a Predynastic pharaoh of Upper Egypt belonging to Dynasty 0. He probably reigned during the first half of the 32nd century BC. The length of his reign is unknown. Sekhen

Now in legend, Horus, is supposed to be Sets nephew. It just so happens that Horus-Aha is predecessed by Narmer, who is predecessed by Sekhen.


Predecessor Ka (Sekhen) Successor Hor-Aha Narmer


So we have a legend which states that Set went to war with his nephew Horus, over kingship of Egypt.

We also have a real pre-dynastic pharoah, from dynasty 0, named Sekhen, who appears to have a nephew or relation named Horus-Aha.

So could this account for Sekhen being Set? And are there any ancient sources which describe Set as a mortal?

1 Answer 1


Seth and Sekhen/Ka are completely unrelated names & meanings. Below are the names of Ka (left) and his queen Ha (right):

enter image description here

There are also inscriptions presenting an upright serekh with an upside-down Ka-symbol inside, which renders "Sekhen".

Sekhen means "to grasp, to hold". Ka means "to embrace". Because the up/down reading of the name is so uncertain, Egyptologists prefer a neutral reading as ‘King Arms’.

Seth, on the other hand, is written in one of these three forms, chronologically ordered:

enter image description here

Seth's name is thought to have been originally pronounced sūtiẖ [ˈsuw.tixʲ] based on spellings of his name in Egyptian hieroglyphs as stẖ and swtẖ. The Late Egyptian spelling stš (set-esh) reflects the palatalization of ẖ while the eventual loss of the final consonant is recorded in spellings like swt.

So the likeliness is only apparent in late Egyptian spelling, which is thousands of years after Ka.

Also, I refer to the concept of the Horus name I detailed in an answer to one of your previous questions.

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