There's a nice little book by Malcolm Davies (St John's College, Oxford) titled "The Greek Epic Cycle", which deals exactly with what you are asking for. Here's the table of contents of the edition I have:
- The Epic Cycle
- The Titanomachy
- The Oedipodeia
- The Thebais
- The Epigoni
- The Cypria
- The Aethiopis
- The Little Iliad
- The Sack of Troy
- The Returns Home
- The Telegony
Bearing in mind that "The Sack of Troy" and "The Returns Home" are just alternative titles for "Iliou Persis" and "Nostoi" respectively, it contains commentaries on all the fragments you asked about. Note however that this book is just a commentary, and does not contain the full translated texts (in fact it was originally meant as a companion to Davies's "Epicorum Graecorum Fragmenta", which contains all the translated fragments but unfortunately is really hard to find nowadays). My recommendation is to pair it with a good translation of the Epic Cycle, like Martin L. West's "Greek Epic Fragments from the Seventh to the Fifth Centuries BC".
Davies also wrote a few individual books on specific texts: "The Cypria", "The Theban Epics", and "The Aethiopis: Neo-Neoanalysis Reanalyzed". You can read them for free on the website of the Harvard Center for Hellenistic Studies.
Classical scholar Martin L. West also wrote a more in-depth commentary on the Epic Cycle titled "The Epic Cycle: A Commentary on the Lost Troy Epics", with the disadvantage that it's quite expansive, and that, weirdly, all fragments are referenced in the original language: no translation is offered. One has either to be fluent in ancient greek, or to pair it with a translation like the above-mentioned one by West himself.
My recommendation is to start off with Davies, and move on to West once you are more confident with the subject.
EDIT: Included link to three of Davies's books.