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3 answers

Are there any Dragons myths about dragons being the creators of creation? Supernatural beings -as it were - that created the landscape?

I don't have a link to share, just seems to me that ancient man read the landscape and its spiritual and supernatural significance seems to pivot mostly around Dragon myths.
Matthew Wortman's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Character that created themself?

Is there a character in any mythology or folklore that was notable for having created themselves?
JnBrymn's user avatar
  • 141
3 votes
1 answer

Why do so many cultures have a myth of the world being made or remade from water?

In various creation and flood myths the world is said to be remade from water, why would different ancient cultures have this same theme?
Xandra Wolfbane's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Is there any explanation in greek mythology for the creation of Uranus and Gaea?

I was just wondering because there never seems to be a beginning. Greek mythology always seems to start with just there being Uranus and Gaea with no events before that. Is there a beginning before ...
awesomepi's user avatar
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