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Questions tagged [reference-request]

For questions that ask for a canonical reference about a commonly known myth.

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Does anyone have the source for this origin of Charybdis?

Wikipedia mentions this version about the origin of the Greek monster Charybdis: Charybdis aided her father Poseidon in his feud with her paternal uncle Zeus and, as such, helped him engulf lands and ...
Outisnobody7's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Name of the tale in which a traveler inherits a boatman's curse after accepting to relay him

I have a vague recollection of a tale but get no hits from traditional search engines. In my memory, this is an old and famous tale, that goes as follow: A young man travels across a foreign land. ...
AlexisPrel's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Are there myths, folklore, tales, or other traditions/tales about monsters regaining their humanity permanently?

Maybe I should have slept on this question for a little bit, but here I go. I am working on a TRPG and a setting that would accompany the TRPG. In my setting all monsters are or were humans, so rather ...
ghost's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Has divine prowess always been considered a factor in determining the outcome of wars?

In reading both fiction and nonfiction materials over the years, involving Egyptian, Roman, Persian, Greek, and Jewish cultures, I have seen statements to the effect that the locals believed their war ...
Levantus's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is this a real myth? Pembroke Welsh Corgis as mounts for fairies

I've seen this myth floating around the internet for a while now and decided to write about it for a project. The only issue was: I couldn't actually find a reputable source for the claim. Wikipedia's ...
smallobsession's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are there any folklore references to the following elements found in Xianxia i.e. modern Chinese High Fantasy fiction?

Xianxia stories often contain the following elements: 1> Cultivation of Qi: Qi is a humor-esque substance which is generally absorbed from the environment and stored in the Dan Tian which in these ...
chhatra's user avatar
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Is there a reconstruction of the Titanomachy (as in the epic poem)? [closed]

I have access to the fragments of the Titanomachy. I have a short commentary on the Titanomachy in the book: The Greek Epic Cycle by Malcolm Davies, thanks to Gullintanni (a stack exchange username). ...
Catena Aurea's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there an introductory scholarly study guide, involving primary works being discussed, for ancient greek mythology?

I am searching for a study guide, as described in the question, giving comprehensive primary sources (e.g. ideally stating all discovered theogonies) and discussing each primary source. It would be ...
Catena Aurea's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Has there been a reconstruction of the Aethiopis, Little Iliad, Iliou persis or Nostoi?

I am planning on reading the Epic Cycle. Apart from the Iliad and Odyssey the original texts are only fragmentary. I have found reconstructions of the Cypria and Telegony by D.M. Smith. Is there ...
Catena Aurea's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Which ancient cults would cut out the hearts of live animals and offer them as sacrifices?

Which ancient cults would cut out the hearts of live animals and offer them as sacrifices? The Mishnah (Avodah Zarah 2:3) mentions a concept called עורות לבובין which Maimonides and other commentators ...
Reb Chaim HaQoton's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

What is the earliest story of a mortal killing a god?

Various myths involve deities dying (such as Baldr and Osiris). However, in most of the myths that come to mind, another deity is responsible for the death. In Christian belief, Roman soldiers ...
Draconis's user avatar
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6 votes
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Literature for mesopotamian seven-tiered cosmos?

Reading up on the (excellent) Gilgamesh epic, I found a note for the 11th tablet (where Uta-Napishti - the 'original' Noah) describes the seven-tiered layout of the Ark. The author appended a note ...
J.Galt's user avatar
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Do there exist any spells or ritual things / chants in Old Norse, Old Irish, or Old English online in text format?

I have found the voluspa and other large Old Norse texts. Then there's Beowulf. I've seen several Old Irish poems as well. But what about spells and magic? Do there exist any of those online in the ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What is the legend of the Knight Tondalo?

I was recently reading Martin Luther's commentary on the Sermon on the Mount (English translation by Charles A. Hay, 1892) and I was intrigued by a reference to "the legend of the Knight Tondalo". ...
quarkrgb's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Definitive text on special stones

I'm wondering if there are any definitive texts, ancient or modern, that give some more depth to the origin of the meaning ascribed to them such as like here: Lapis is an excellent stone for ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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References on Tolkien's plots

Diana Wynne Jones's autobiography contains an interesting report on what Tolkien lectured about at university: He started with the simplest possible story: a man (prince or woodcutter) going on a ...
user326210's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Are there any myths about rational beings (except gods/immaterial beings) that walked the earth before humans?

Are there myths that feature such beings? My answer to a question by a commenter: The question says no gods. Supernatural beings that aren't gods and deities that aren't gods (if this possibility ...
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Naranath Bhranthan, earliest mentions and sources?

Naranath Bhranthan appears to be a figure from medieval Indian tradition, but except for some repeats of the wikipedia article I have not been able to find anything worth commenting. When and where ...
sand1's user avatar
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What are some references to Mathonwy in Welsh legends?

Mathonwy is the father of Math fab Mathony and a mother godess Dôn in Welsh legend, who is believed to be analogous to Danu from Irish and Vedic legends. Are there any surviving sources, either ...
MathGod's user avatar
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Where to find myths about the origin of civilization?

Is there a particular book (from a trustworthy source of course) I can see/buy or website(s) (preferably academic, that legally allow(s) non-academics access to this information)? Edit: Initially, I ...
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Original Southeast Asian or Polynesian Literature (as Computer Readable Text) Online

Wondering if there are any original documents in text format (i.e. "etexts") for any of the Southeast Asian or Polynesian mythology, folklore, or just general documents written in their native ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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What's the best way to go about researching obscure mythologies?

So basically, I want to learn more about Zulu (or possibly some other South African culture) polytheism, among other things. Trouble is, it's hard to find a lot information about it, even from ye olde ...
Sir Keksalot's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the mythological status of the 'goethia' demons?

The 'goethia' is a list of numbered (Christian, as in rulers of hell) demons of which their benefits are documented (this one only speaks the truth in a magical circle, this one provides great riches, ...
Discrete lizard's user avatar
9 votes
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The concept that scripture is made to adapt to changes of society, technology, and language

I once heard of an attitude to interpreting religious scripture that goes roughly as follows: The scripture was made such that it will always produce the correct ethics, guidance, and similar when ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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Narratives in Haitian (or other) Vodou?

While there are plenty of modern and literary references to the Loas, I can't seem to find any narratives of the Loas themselves. Are there any narratives available or are the Loas best defined by ...
Richard Haussmann's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What is the source work for Cadmus visiting Delphi?

This has been driving me absolutely nuts, as it is universally referenced across the internet, but nowhere cited. It looks like Theoi originally grabbed it from Encyclopedia Britannica, not ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Is there a god called Iob/Job/Yov?

R. Simon Ashenburg in Debek Tob reconciles a contradiction in the Bible regarding the name of Issachar's son which is given as Yov (יוב) in Genesis 46:13 and elsewhere as Yashuv (ישוב) in Numbers 26:...
Reb Chaim HaQoton's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Who were the Anunnaki according to Sumerians' tales?

Who were the Anunnaki? Were they gods, demigods or different race? And what was their role? How do we tell who they were? I am looking for primary or canonical sources that explain about the ...
kenorb's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

Is there any textual evidence that confirms the color of Hindu gods?

Hindu gods, most notably, Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu, Kali, are depicted as blue colored beings. But they are also depicted with many different skin colors, some looking more natural than others. Is ...
Ero Sɘnnin's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Where can I find the earliest literary compendium for the Greek Pantheon?

I know that much of Greek mythology was passed on by word of mouth but someone must have been the first to collect this in one source. What was that Compendium and is there a version available in ...
Chad's user avatar
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