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Is there a more proper term for "Vampire"?

When I ask this question, I ask a lot of things.

First, is there a secret name, or perhaps even a sacred name that was used back when people thought vampires were real and would burn them? Like a secret code. Such as young people in schools might call somebody they don't like "Sherin" When they are talking behind the person's back, but in reality, the person's name is "Sharly". They use a different name than the given to be sneaky.

Also, are there perhaps different types of vampires? Like some vampires are believed to be immortal, while others are not? So there is a difference between the two, making it obvious there would be different names?

I am writing a book, and considering using vampires perhaps, but I would like to be specific, and not calling them just vampires. I want to make sure that if there is a distinct word for different vampires that I use it.