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8 votes

How did Aphrodite's promise of Helen to Paris work?

The earliest known account of the Judgement of Paris comes from the Cypria, a work which has since been lost. A preserved summary, however, states that: Alexandros judges for Aphrodite, encouraged by ...
Semaphore's user avatar
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Why is Aphrodite a goddess?

She isn't the child of Ouranos and Gaia. There are two chief myths to her birth. The first and oldest is found in Homer, where she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione. As the daughter of Zeus and ...
cmw's user avatar
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What does Aphrodite’s magical girdle look like?

Aphrodite's girdle isn't a "girdle" in the modern sense of a piece of clothing worn around the waist, but an article of clothing known as a strophion (στρόφιον), which is a bra-like garment ...
Walter's user avatar
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How did Aphrodite even help the Trojans during the Trojan war?

Being the goddess of beauty and love doesn't turn Aphrodite harmless. Quite the contrary... Theoi site gives a full summary of Aphrodite's role in the Trojan war. Convinced Ares to side with the ...
Rodia's user avatar
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What does Aphrodite’s magical girdle look like?

Perhaps it wasn't even a girdle at all. In Homer's Iliad it is described as kestos himas poikilos, usually translated as "embroidened girdle", but it's useful to look at the verse in context:...
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How did the Trojans get Aphrodite's Veil in the first place?

Review of the main sources Let us take a look at the earliest sources which give an account of this story involving Heracles, Hesione, her father Laomedon, and her brother Priam. It is first briefly ...
Gullintanni's user avatar
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Why would Aphrodite be armed?

Why would the goddess of love, beauty, and procreation be armed? (Note, all the links are the same source.) The cult of an armed Aphrodite was present in Laconia in early Archaic times. (PG2) The ...
Andrew Johnson's user avatar
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Why wouldn't Zeus give Aphrodite to Ares when he was the obvious choice?

Aphrodite was the goddess of love. She was described as exceedingly beautiful. And no matter what happens, she was going to get lovers. By giving her to Hephaestus, Zeus effectively ruled out a chance ...
nullptr's user avatar
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An ancient source for the myth of Venus' creation of red roses?

Mediaeval compilations referencing older, potentially ancient works do mention the story. It is narrated (p. 359) as Item No. II of the "Διηγηματα" in the "Appendix: Narrationum" ...
Adinkra's user avatar
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An ancient source for the myth of Venus' creation of red roses?

According to Anacreon, white roses appeared in the foam of the sea around the shell of Aphrodite's birth. The birth account of Aphrodite is first recorded in Hesod's Theogony. We all know this account ...
Codosaur's user avatar
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Why was Adonis allowed to leave the Underworld? ...However, Persephone later refused to give Adonis back to Aphrodite; this led to a dispute that was solved by Zeus. As a ...
tblue's user avatar
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3 votes

Why would Aphrodite be armed?

Aphrodite is linked with Astarte, Near Eastern goddess of love and war. In Greece, her connection with war is through her affair with Ares. In one ancient sculpture, the Capuan Aphrodite, she may be ...
Anne Stewart's user avatar
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Did Hephaestus and Aphrodite get divorced?

Probably yes. Several writers, including Homer and Hesiod, mention that Hephaistos married Aglaea, one of the three Charites. It is not entirely clear whether this happened before or after his ...
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