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15 votes

Was Artemis a lesbian?

I agree that there isn't evidence that Artemis was exclusively a lesbian, and no myth as far as I know that explicitly states that either, but there is was such an implication. In the Callisto myth, ...
WallWatcher's user avatar
6 votes

Why did Apollo trick Artemis into killing Orion?

Most writers ascribe Apollo's trickery to jealousy. This particular version of the Orion myth comes from the poet Istros, as preserved by Hygnius in his De Astronomicon. The original Latin text is as ...
Semaphore's user avatar
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5 votes

Why is the virgin goddess Artemis associated with childbirth?

It is commonly accepted that she was born first and assisted with the birth of her brother Apollo. Two quick sources I pulled off of Theoi: "Of the daughters of Koios . . . Leto had relations with ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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5 votes

Was Artemis a lesbian?

The thing is, the ancient Greeks and Romans simply didn't have categories for "gay" or "lesbian". In modern times, their idea of sexuality is described as "polymorphic perversity", which translates ...
user256697's user avatar
4 votes

Why is the virgin goddess Artemis associated with childbirth?

The Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo mentions a goddess of childbirth, Eileithyia, who was delayed by Hera, forcing Artemis to help her mother birth Apollo. (She was his older sister by a minute or two, ...
solsdottir's user avatar
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4 votes

Artemis and the Pleiades

The scholiast to Apollonius of Rhodes gives the story with Orion, but nothing about Artemis. The scholiast to Pindar Nemean 2.17-18 also gives the story with Orion (along with a lot of non-...
b a's user avatar
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3 votes

Specificness of gods

It's a myth that the gods had compartmentalized domains. You in fact find dozens of gods to pray to for any given thing. If you wanted protection against the seas, you'd actually pray to Ino-Leucothea,...
cmw's user avatar
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1 vote

Specificness of gods

Hello Artemis19 and welcome to the forum. Hopefully someone can verify the validity or add to my answer, or even correct it! Till then though I have to tell you that you should take the following ...
George Eco's user avatar
1 vote

Why did Apollo trick Artemis into killing Orion?

Artemis represents the untamed and wild, on the fringe of civilization. Animals are mortal and must die eventually as part of the cycle because humans must eat animals and sometimes animals must eat ...
the Aurignacian's user avatar

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