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17 votes

What is the Norse equivalent to the Great Flood?

The Norse flood myth is actually a flood of blood, created when Odin, Vili and Vé slew Ymir, the primeval ancestor of the jötnar. From Snorri's Prose Edda: The sons of Bor slew the giant Ymer, but ...
Semaphore's user avatar
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11 votes

Is there any librarian god?

Seshat, also called Sothis, was the Egyptian goddess of libraries, called Mistress of the House of Books. (She was also goddess of math, reading, measurement and writing.) Her name means "female ...
solsdottir's user avatar
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Original Celtic, Old English, Old Norse, or Gothic Texts Online

Old Norse For Old Norse, has a lot of material, including different editions (also in modern Nordic languages). The site itself is mostly in Norwegian, so it can be tricky to navigate ...
andejons's user avatar
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9 votes

Is it possible to build a timeline for Greek mythology?

Yes, it is possible, and has been done. The GML Compilation I would say the handiest resource available for this online is the "Mythical Chronology Chart" page on Carlos Parada's website the ...
Adinkra's user avatar
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Original Celtic, Old English, Old Norse, or Gothic Texts Online

Gothic As mentioned in andejons’ answer, there is not a lot of material in the Gothic language. Apart from Wulfila's Bible translation on the Wulfila project (where you can also find a calendar ...
Karel Vissers's user avatar
8 votes

Poseidon has two wives when/why/how?

Different mythologies being consolidated, mainly. Originally—by which I mean as far back as we have evidence to speculate—Poseidon seems to have been married to the earth-deity Dā. The oldest ...
Draconis's user avatar
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Is there any librarian god?

Chinese mythology has a heavy emphasis on deification of scholars, beginning with the Yellow Emperor, whose patronage to mankind was primarily as a teacher, inventor and scholar. There are several ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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7 votes

Original Celtic, Old English, Old Norse, or Gothic Texts Online

Old Irish Mary Jones' Celtic Literature Collective This is the best place to find Irish and Wesh language mythology with the original sources. It's actually an amateur project, but I've seen it ...
Charlie Tizzard Ó Kevlahan's user avatar
6 votes

Original Celtic, Old English, Old Norse, or Gothic Texts Online

The Perseus Project is an exceptional resource for Greek and Latin Texts (not complete, but quite comprehensive): Perseus Collection; Greek and Roman Materials It's particularly useful because you ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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6 votes

Are there any desertification myths?

Yes. Greco-Roman mythology contains a story precisely about the region to which you refer. It so happens that this desertification narrative, which accounts for cold deserts as well as hot ones, is ...
Adinkra's user avatar
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What is the Norse equivalent to the Great Flood?

Well though I see the question has been answered. You have asked for other versions of the myth as well. This story originated in Hindu mythology, It is called 'The myth of Manu'. The Hindi word for ...
Miscellaneous's user avatar
6 votes

Is there any librarian god?

It will be very difficult to find a "librarian god or goddess" in the in any pagan culture. There are many gods of knowledge, wisdom, scholarship, education and so on. The closest example I am able ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the meaning of the inscriptions on Baphomet arms?

"Solve et coagula" is the principle underlying alchemy: dissolve materials to their constituents and re-assemble these into something else. Fulcanelli writes of this quote: If you know how to ...
Codosaur's user avatar
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Are there any other mythology with female warriors like Durga from the Hindu Mythology?

Yes. A comment already mentioned Norse Freya, Celtic Morrigan, and Greek Artemis. My personal favorite that wasn't mentioned is the West African Oya (aka: Oiá, Yansá or Iansá), who I see associated ...
T.E.D.'s user avatar
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What is the name of Brokkr's forge in Norse mythology?

Unknown First, note that it's Brokk's brother who is clearly the master smith and does the actual smithing, while Brokk works the bellows. This brother is given as either Eitri or Sindri in different ...
andejons's user avatar
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Did Hermes ever somehow helped Prometheus, or not? Is he God of thieves, or what?

To answer your first question yes, Hermes was (among other things) a god of thievery. An excerpt from the Hermes Theoi page HERMES was the Olympian god of herds and flocks, travellers and ...
Tom Sol's user avatar
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Is it sound to academically analyze myth in translation?

This has always been a painful area in philology for several reasons: In many cases, verses in the original text can have several inferred meanings. For some languages and cultures, this is actually ...
Codosaur's user avatar
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4 votes

Poseidon has two wives when/why/how?

One More Wife To complicate the issue yet a little bit further, if we take Plato's dialogue Kritias into account, Poseidon actually has three wives, not just two. According to the description of the ...
Adinkra's user avatar
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What can we learn from mythology?

Mythology serves many functions. We assume that originally it was a religious function, but it's hard to separate from the entertainment aspect. Before there were books, people likely sat around ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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What are the historical sources for the Illuminati mythos?

The following work on Freemasonry gives a broad overview of its historical development: from its origins in the era of Solomon's Temple up to the 19th century, with an emphasis on Freemasonry's plans ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Are there any other mythology with female warriors like Durga from the Hindu Mythology?

Beyond what others listed, there's also Anat: In a fragmentary passage from [the Epic of Baal], Anat appears as a fierce, wild and furious warrior in a battle, wading knee-deep in blood, striking ...
cmw's user avatar
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Are there religions with no concept of afterlife?

Buddhism has the belief that nothing lasts forever and therefore basically doesn't believe at least in an eternal after life(which is what I believe you were implying). A passage in the Nirvana ...
William's user avatar
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Is there any librarian god?

Plato famously blames the Egyptian god “Theuth” (Thoth) for the invention of writing in Phaedrus 274c–275b. Yes, blames rather than credits, because although Plato was himself a ...
Brian Donovan's user avatar
4 votes

Do any ancient sources describe Set as a mortal? And could Set be Sekhen?

Seth and Sekhen/Ka are completely unrelated names & meanings. Below are the names of Ka (left) and his queen Ha (right): There are also inscriptions presenting an upright serekh with an upside-...
Codosaur's user avatar
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3 votes

Are there any dwarf gods in history?

In The Lives of Dwarfs: Their Journey from Public Curiosity toward Social Liberation, Betty Adelson identifies Sukuna-biko, an ally of Okuninushi in Shinto mythology, as an example of a dwarf god: ...
yannis's user avatar
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The Amazons, for research

Take this answer in the spirit of "teaching a person to fish" (as opposed to giving them a single fish.) The subject you ask about has been much analyzed, researched, and discussed, so it's an ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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3 votes

Are there any other mythology with female warriors like Durga from the Hindu Mythology?

In terms of stature, role and primal nature, the only deities from the Greek Pantheon I can think of are the Furies. They are older than the Olympians, and relentlessly pursue evildoers. In ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the name of Brokkr's forge in Norse mythology?

Also, Norse myth has these gaps. Thor's goats have names, while Freyja's cats don't (that we know of). The forge may or may not have had a name in the myths, but @andejons is right to say that it was ...
solsdottir's user avatar
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When did Lord Indra asked for Kawach-Kundal to Karna? It's before Kurukshetra war or in the mid of war?

As Hinduism is a living culture, its mythology is not just in texts but in the minds of the people, and there are various folk stories, family traditions, and even half-remembered distortions in ...
ShreevatsaR's user avatar
3 votes

What is the historical origin of Medusa?

Pausanias has a euhemeristic explanation about the myth in Description of Greece: Not far from the building in the market-place of Argos is a mound of earth, in which they say lies the head of ...
Rodia's user avatar
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