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Are Artemis and Bendis the same?

Thrace was a country situated in the actual north part of the Greece, a huge part of Bulgaria and the European part of the Turkey: Source: Wikipedia What we know of Thrace is relatively simple: ...
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Name for the "soul-mates" in Plato's "The Symposium"?

Unfortunately, Aristophanes doesn't give any particular name for these pairs: he just calls them "people" or "humans" (ἀνθρώποι). He calls the half-man-half-woman one "...
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Why is Plato singling out Hestia, Zeus and Athena in Laws?

Both Zeus and Athena were deities who were associated with Athens, and important philisophic concepts, while a city needed Hestia's flame at its sacred centre to be complete. Hestia, goddess of the ...
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