What is the origin of the myth that witches burn in water?
As a follow-up to my (almost) namesake @Thom .
And to @Spencer
It is not specifically stated that they burn in water they are only afeared to cross it.
Tim O 'Shanter's poem says
Ah, Tam! ah, ...
Is it safe to "pay the devil with blood" for the power to cast a given spell or curse?
Romanian witchcraft is (not surprisingly given the religiosity of the country) rooted in Christianity, which in its turn copied the principles of a blood sacrifice and scapegoating from Judaism. ...
Why is purple the color that protects from witches' curse?
This study should answer your question:
The wizards of the violet flame. A magical mystery tour of Romanian politics - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies
It presents the manifestations ...
What is the origin of the myth that witches burn in water?
This is a story thread in Robert Burns's poem 'Tam O'Shanter' from 1791. Tam is spirited safely by his mare Maggie to a bridge, and the pursuing witches cannot follow him across the water.
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