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anna v's user avatar
anna v
  • Member for 9 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
  • Greece
12 votes

Are there any apocalypse myths other than Ragnarok in which some people survive to repopulate the world?

12 votes

Why does looking at Medusa with a mirror work?

11 votes

What is the significance of this part in the myth of the resurrection of Osiris?

8 votes

What did Danae want?

8 votes

Symbolism of Ixion's Punishment

7 votes

Was the development of Greek mythology dynamic or static?

6 votes

What was the explanation in Greek mythology for the absence of their deities?

5 votes

Where did the Roman gods live?

5 votes

Looking for source: Woman refuses to drink from the River Lethe

4 votes

What is the moral of the myth of Icarus?

2 votes

What is the earliest known dragon myth?

0 votes

Who were the Anunnaki according to Sumerians' tales?

-2 votes

Why did God prefer Abel's offering to Cain's?