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solsdottir's user avatar
solsdottir's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
24 votes

Was Loki originally a fire god?

14 votes

Is "Viking mythology" the same as "Norse mythology"

12 votes

Does Hel have a role in Ragnarok?

12 votes

What kind of cats pulled Freya's chariot?

11 votes

Is there any librarian god?

11 votes

Was the rule of Zeus ever challenged?

11 votes

Does Odin choose who enters Valhalla?

11 votes

What was the role of the bear in Norse mythology? (Are there bears in Asgard?)

10 votes

Are all Celtic Gods (Irish, Welsh, Scottish, and British) considered part of the same pantheon?

10 votes

What is Loki considered to be?

9 votes

Who were the Cimmerians, the Hyperboreans, and the Ethiopians? Were they races of men or something else?

9 votes

Who is the mother of Freyr and Freyja?

9 votes

Did Loki give birth to a monster?

9 votes

Why did Hercules murder his first wife?

8 votes

Which gods have been killed in their myths?

8 votes

Was Ymir ever awake?

7 votes

If Athena was born from Zeus' brain, does this mean Athena is a manifestation of Zeus' intelligence?

7 votes

Are there any deities whose roles had been greatly diminished by the Greek pantheon?

7 votes

Why was Loki bound, really?

7 votes

Are there Kali-types deities in other pantheons?

7 votes

How did Poseidon became lord of Helicon?

7 votes

Are there parallels between Ymir/Auðumbla and Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox besides the obvious?

7 votes

How was it decided which warriors would go to Fólkvangr and which to Valhalla?

7 votes

Is there a Western (Greek, Roman, Egyptian, or Norse) god of the cosmos?

7 votes

Why is salt used to get rid of ghosts and keep out demons?

7 votes

Why is Thor's chariot pulled by goats?

7 votes

Why did Loki want Baldur dead?

7 votes

Does Hel have any relationship to bees?

6 votes

Searching for a deity of water and fire?

6 votes

Who had a "sister wife" in Greek mythology?