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Codosaur's user avatar
Codosaur's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
3 votes

Why did Li Po carry a sword?

3 votes

How much time is a generation in the odyssey and Iliad?

3 votes

What does Rome, Conquerors & Titans have in common?

3 votes

Where did lizardmen come from?

3 votes

Was Eannatum, the real historical figure that was characterised as Adam, in the Garden of Eden narrative?

3 votes

How were Nymphs born in Roman Mythology?

3 votes

Who came first, Egyptian pharoah Horus-Aha 3100bc, or, Horus the Deity?

3 votes

Who or what is Vergil referring to when he mentions God/Divine Intelligence in the Georgics?

3 votes

Legendary forgotten Kingdom of Lechia

3 votes

Story from greek mythology talking about not being able to change bad habits

2 votes

What does internet-transmitted folklore reveal about how we generate and spread folkore?

2 votes

What species of tree is meant in the Dangun myth of Korea?

2 votes

Untangling Bahamut, Behemoth and Leviathan

2 votes

Are There Biblical References to Good Magic?

2 votes

Has there been anything like the Flying Spaghetti Monster originating in the Middle East?

2 votes

Could ancient myths of “giants” hint to contact with other species of homini?

2 votes

Who are the deities of natural order, justice or wisdom?

2 votes

What is the earliest story of a mortal killing a god?

2 votes

Is there any basis for any month being smarter then others?

2 votes

What deities did only one city/state recognize?

2 votes

Are there any myths of Gods or Goddesses giving up their divinity permanently of their own free will?

2 votes

Is there any evidence of a Jewish demon named Khoyzek?

2 votes

Are there any folklore references to the following elements found in Xianxia i.e. modern Chinese High Fantasy fiction?

2 votes

Is it safe to "pay the devil with blood" for the power to cast a given spell or curse?

2 votes

Why is purple the color that protects from witches' curse?

2 votes

How did dasavataras end?

2 votes

What is the significance of Medusa having hands of bronze?

2 votes

What specific shapes does Merlin (or myrddin) assume in the various arthurian legends/stories?

2 votes

Is there a kami of Aokigahara?

2 votes

Is there any mention of human sacrifice in the mythologies of Britain of the period before advent of Christianity?

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