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2 answers

Are there analogues of Chaos in mythologies other than Greek?

By Chaos I mean the primordial, undifferentiated substance from which everything begins in Hesiod's Theogony: First it was Chaos, and next broad-bosomed Earth, ever secure seat of all the immortals, ...
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Humans and Ages of Man [closed]

I'm a little confused. In the Golden Age, it is said that humans and deities lived harmoniously, also living long lives. In the Silver Age, Zeus said that humans will live 100 years as children. But, ...
Andrew Johnson's user avatar
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Why did Athena breathe life into the man Prometheus created?

I have seen many books and papers reference Athena breathing life into the man Prometheus molded out of clay, but I couldn't find any primary sources of this happening, and I couldn't find any good ...
user1432233's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

To the Greeks, how was the Earth created?

In Greek mythology, Cronus/Kronos and Gaea were the first gods to exist, Gaea the goddess to rule the Earth and Cronus the moon. When they first appeared, the Earth was already in existence. Neither ...
Anthony Pham's user avatar
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Is there any explanation in greek mythology for the creation of Uranus and Gaea?

I was just wondering because there never seems to be a beginning. Greek mythology always seems to start with just there being Uranus and Gaea with no events before that. Is there a beginning before ...
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