Lately I have been reading terence McKenna. He thinks there is a connection between glaucous (meaning blue gray) and rituals. He suggests that there is a connection between the blue gray color of the musk (light film) on grapes. It's a blue gray color. He also suggests the glaucous color has connections with the color of a bruised mushroom. And, the more I learn about greek myth I read about eye opening hallucinogenics that could be the food of the gods. That people who visited Eleusis and participated the ritual there. were taking a combination of wine, mushrooms and other herbs. musky blue-gray, silvery gleam, bright eyed. I am sure there are many more interpolation attempts. I read about Glaucous, Deucalion, and now Athena. The more I read the more i find that greek rituals were about ever lasting life. birth, death, and rebirth. Seeing the real world, the real truth. The person becomes immoral.