I know that the character of 'Adonis' is of Phoenician origin, but there are many other parallels which are too many to be ignored:

Phosporus- Shahar

Hesperus- Shalim

Zeus/Poseidon/Hades- Baal/Yamm/Mot

Athena- Anat

Aphrodite- Astarte

Heracles- Melqart

And is there a possible link between Pandora and the Biblical Eve?

  • 1
    I'm not sure parallels in a few deities is really that big of a deal though. With a large enough pantheon, individual gods are bound to have traits/aspects that are present in another pantheon - they're all derived from natural observations after all.
    – Semaphore
    Commented Jan 24, 2018 at 19:15

1 Answer 1


As Gibet noted, there are similarities between Baal and Zeus but they're pretty loose.

However, if you're looking for a Near Eastern analogue to Zeus and Kronos, you need to go to the Hittite/Hurrian myth of Kingship in Heaven, which is very similar to the story of Ouranos-Kronos-Zeus.

The middle god, Kumarbi, even bites off his father's genitals, just like Kronos castrated Ouranos, but in the Hittite myth Kumarbi becomes pregnant with three gods, and has to spit them out from his belly. When the Storm-God Teshub takes power there's a battle between him and Kumarbi, just like the Titans and Olympians.

PS - This paper (pdf) discusses similarites in the Kingship in Heaven theme across Greece and the Near East generally.


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