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Questions tagged [achilles]

Questions related to or pertaining to the Greek demigod and hero, Achilles. He is most known for his role in the Trojan War.

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Why does Achilles sacrifice 12 Trojan men on Patroclus' funeral pyre? Will this benefit Patroclus in the afterlife? (Illiad Book 23)

In the Iliad, Achilles gives his friend Patroclus an elaborate funeral, involving the sacrifice of various animals, including 2 of Patroclus own dogs (presumably so they can be with him in the ...
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Source for milfoil rising from the filings of Achilles’ spear

The milfoil or yarrow is a plant belonging to the genus Achillea. According to Brewer, the name of the genus comes: from Achilles, who was taught the uses and virtues of plants by Chiron the centaur. ...
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