Two works by Nonnus of Panopolis survive to this day:
- The Dionysiaca, an epic poem about the life of Dionysus,
- The Paraphrase of John, a rewording of the Gospel of John.
This is a rare example of an ancient author producing works in different (and perhaps we could even say competing) theological traditions. This is far from certain, but I am assuming Nonnus was immensely interested in Christianity, and may even have practised it while writing the Dionysiaca. The subject matter of the Dionysiaca alone could hint to an interest in Christianity1.
I have not read the Dionysiaca, and this may be an obvious question to those who have, but I'm wondering if scholars have positively identified Christian influences in the poem.
1 Nonnus lived in a time and place where he would be in constant contact with the emerging religion. Given the strong parallels between the life of Dionysus and the life of Jesus, the life of Dionysus would have been a relatively accessible Greek mythology topic for Christian audiences.