I would like to read more about Herakles twelve labors.
I would like to know if there are any remaining work about it ?
I am looking for work dating from the Greek or Roman era.
I would like to read more about Herakles twelve labors.
I would like to know if there are any remaining work about it ?
I am looking for work dating from the Greek or Roman era.
If you're looking for a summary of what the ancient poets wrote about, your best bet would be to look at Pseudo-Apollodorus' Bibliotecha. The Bibliotecha is a work that collates nearly all of Greek mythology into a single, coherent narrative, including the Labors of Heracles.
If you want an even quicker summary, there's also Hyginus' Fabulae, but you'll notice a major difference in length!
If you're looking for something comparable to the Iliad or Odyssey, I'm afraid you'll be at a lost, as none of the epics about Heracles' labors survived. That said, if you check out the Theoi page on Heracles' labors, you'll find a hefty collection of allusions and references about them scattered throughout extant Greek and Roman works.