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Were any gods in mythology shown to have aged?

The Greek gods could definitely age. Zeus, unlike his most famous daughter, Athena, who sprang from his head fully grown and armored, is an infant at his own birth: Enraged at this, Rhea ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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Were any gods in mythology shown to have aged?

The entire Norse pantheon could definitely age and become weaker, and possibly even die of old age. This was counteracted by the goddess Iðunn and her apples, which restored youth. In Skáldskaparmál, ...
andejons's user avatar
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Why does Zielinski's Law exist? Were the poets unable to say "meanwhile"?

You absolutely could say "meanwhile" in ancient Greek. It's not a matter of what words to use, but of the narrative practice of oral poetry. The problem is that Zielinski and some ...
cmw's user avatar
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I am writing a story about greek gods and in dire need of accurate chronological references I can use

When the archeologists managed to decipher Linear B, they found many shopping lists that included purchases of sacrifices for this god or that. The only Olympian missing was Apollo. Thus, all the ...
Mary's user avatar
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I am writing a story about greek gods and in dire need of accurate chronological references I can use

It really depends on how you define "appeared in history for the first time". Let me illustrate by an example: Zeus may be known to most as a Greek god, but this deity (and his name) is ...
Codosaur's user avatar
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Did the sun stand still at around the same time in Toltec and Biblical traditions?

I believe it should be noted that Mexico (location of the Toltec empire) is 8 hours behind Israel. Pretty much halfway across the world. Now I don't know about you, but to me, it seems like it'd be ...
user9008's user avatar

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