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Who was the Greek god Iudaios?

From page 284 of volume 2, part 1 of the mentioned book: Unfortunately, there's not a lot in there. A quick and rough translation (sorry in case I missed any unique English name used for these): ...
Mario's user avatar
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10 votes

Who was the Greek god Iudaios?

I suspect there is some confusion here regarding the word itself, and that the sites mentioning "Iudaios" as a Greek god may be unreliable. The linked site is certainly unreliable, and the article ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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Who was the Greek god Iudaios?

BRIEF There is no Greek god called by this name. The character in question, according to the Greco-Roman mythographers, is someone—most likely a regular garden-variety man—who is supposed to have ...
Adinkra's user avatar
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What were the names of Anahita's horses in the original Avestan language?

(Just for what little it worths, "most sources on the internet" seem to be carbon copies of each other, be it Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Iranica which seem to refer back to articles in JSTOR. ...
elemtilas's user avatar
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How many Ancient Greek gods are there?

There is no number. In a couple different ways, in fact! First, it's important to note that there was no centralized authority on "Greek" religion. There wasn't even really a unified "...
Draconis's user avatar
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4 votes

Why isn’t Lúgh Lámhfhada considered a sun-god?

Basically, there was a Victorian mania for identifying mythological figures as sun gods, they massively overdid it, and there has been a reaction against that. Scholars are, on the whole, much more ...
Patrick Brown's user avatar
4 votes

In Greek mythology, who are the Younger Charites?

Like much of greek mythology, it all seems to be a bit of a mess and it depends on which long dead spirit of an ancient poet you ask. There is disagreement on both the number of Charites/Graces and ...
towr's user avatar
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Did ancient Greek authors describe any consistent details of the Olympians' appearance (hair/eye color, relative height, etc)?

Statues were colored in Ancient Greece, and it's indicated by pigment traces that, for example, the statue of a deity did not get a new hair color every (insert interval here) like a modern-day ...
Codosaur's user avatar
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Besides Apollo, no main Roman god shared the name of its Greek version -- why?

Before the Romans conquered the Greeks, they already had their own pantheon of gods. As they assimilated the Greek religion into their own, they found similarities between their gods and the Greek ...
Mitch Freitas's user avatar
3 votes

Which specific ancient sources did NOT consider Kronus and Chronos to be the same being?

Plutarch and Cicero were writing several hundred years after the earliest Greek poetry describing Cronus and Chronus. You can't really use what authors so late thought to argue what earlier authors ...
cmw's user avatar
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Is being reborn as a god in Hinduism possible?

Very interesting question. Whether you can be reborn as a god in Hinduism is debatable, and many people have different opinions. But as per the scriptures, it is possible. According to one of the most ...
abhinomous's user avatar
2 votes

I am writing a story about greek gods and in dire need of accurate chronological references I can use

When the archeologists managed to decipher Linear B, they found many shopping lists that included purchases of sacrifices for this god or that. The only Olympian missing was Apollo. Thus, all the ...
Mary's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a name for the generational overthrow of gods/titans/giants?

Yes and no. I'm afraid, from what I know, there isn't necessarily a nice, clean term to encapsulate what you're looking for, especially not one that has survived since the age of the Indo-European ...
Koios's user avatar
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Myths on God committing suicide

Directly from Wikipedia on Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec winged serpent and creator god: In the Codex Chimalpopoca, it is said Quetzalcoatl was coerced by Tezcatlipoca into becoming drunk on pulque, ...
Marduk Trimegistus's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any connection between Odin and the Irish Goddess Morrigan?

Indeed, as you pointed out, the similarities between the Morrígains (or equivalently, the Bodbs) and the Valkyries are quite striking, as summarized by Matthias Egeler in Celtic Influences in Germanic ...
Gullintanni's user avatar
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Was there a god called Tyrimnas or Tyrimnos worshipped at Thyatira?

Yes, Tyrimnos (or Tyrimnus in the Latinized spelling) was indeed worshiped as a hero in antiquity. The chief evidence for him we have, I believe, comes from coins and inscriptions naming him. An ...
cmw's user avatar
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What are some actually evil gods around the world?

In Zoroastrianism, the Angra Mainyu could be seen as an evil god. Angra the Avestan-language name of Zoroastrianism's hypostasis of the "destructive/evil spirit" and the main ...
cmw's user avatar
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How many gods are in Hindu mythology?

Some say there are 33 gods, while some say there are 330 million gods (33 crores or 33 Koti gods; 1 Koti = 1 crore = 10 million). But, koti in Sanskrit also means prime importance or supreme/central ...
abhinomous's user avatar
1 vote

How many gods are in Hindu mythology?

The metaphysics of this is complicated. Multiple gods may have a relationship such that several are an aspect of another. In the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, we find this passage: Then Vidagdha, the ...
Mary's user avatar
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Looking for god/dess of animals

Latvian forest mother (meža māte) has some control over animals. I found a folk song: Jāņu nakti, bāleliņi, Nejājiet pieguļā: Meža māte suņus sauca, Rīdīs jūsu kumeliņus. Which roughly translates to: ...
arvids's user avatar
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Which specific ancient sources did NOT consider Kronus and Chronos to be the same being?

The question is: "Which specific ancient sources did NOT consider Kronus and Chronos to be the same being?" As a Greek who has been taught Ancient Greek, i can assure you that modern Greek ...
George Eco's user avatar
1 vote

I am writing a story about greek gods and in dire need of accurate chronological references I can use

It really depends on how you define "appeared in history for the first time". Let me illustrate by an example: Zeus may be known to most as a Greek god, but this deity (and his name) is ...
Codosaur's user avatar
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What do the Staff God's staffs and pose represent?

The two staffs (or other objects held) generally represent the male and female, or other dualities. For example, there are depictions where in stead of staffs the deity is holding Spondylus and ...
Codosaur's user avatar
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Is Krampus really pagan?

Krampus is based in the Alps of Austria and Bavaria. I am not to sure if he is norse, maybe more of a local myth. Sure he looks a bit like Faun or a devil but in the alps there are other "...
Klaus Kuplen's user avatar
1 vote

Are Gigantes and Gods the same?

The Giants and Gods are different! In the Greek creation myths, Gaea and Ouranos had multiple 'groups' of children. The first were creatures that had "shattering, overwhelming strength" and &...
A Writer's user avatar
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