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16 votes

Why is the story of Odin hanging from Yggdrasil so similar to that of Jesus on the cross?

Taking a look at a few things here. The word Yggdrasil itself firstly. "Ygg," means Death. "Drasil" is a Nordic term that has the dual meanings of both "gallows" and "horse." So Yggdrasil itself ...
Amerilys's user avatar
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10 votes

Are the Nephilim the demi-gods of the bible?

It depends what you mean by "demi-god". They are of somewhat divine origin, by most understandings of "sons of God" (ancient Hebrew sources identify them with angels of some description). They were ...
SamBC's user avatar
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10 votes

What was Jesus's original name?

It depends on which language we're talking about. 1st-century A.D. Palestine was a multicultural, multilingual location (not much unlike the same region is at present day). The classic Biblical ...
Adinkra's user avatar
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9 votes

Why is the story of Odin hanging from Yggdrasil so similar to that of Jesus on the cross?

It would be hard to know definitively if this was due Christian influence on Odin's narrative b/c we don't have pre-Christian textual sources for Odin's. (i.e. This material was first recorded about ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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9 votes

Greek or Roman equivalent of Bible

One would have to start with the Iliad and Odyssey by Homer, the Theogony by Hesiod and the Aeneid by Virgil, in addition to the aforementioned Metamorphosis by Ovid.
Pieter Geerkens's user avatar
8 votes

Greek or Roman equivalent of Bible

In terms of comprehensiveness, the Bibliotheca of (Pseudo-)Apollodorus (text) is probably the best single work for Greek mythology. Older sources, such as Homer, Hesiod, lyric poets (e.g. Pindar) and ...
b a's user avatar
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8 votes

Are the Anunnaki mentioned in the Bible?

How could they be related ? Anakim just means "sons of Anak". It is just a race of giants, and there is nothing giving them godlike power or something. Anunnaki, as I explained in another post, means ...
Gautier C's user avatar
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8 votes

Who/what is Lilith?

Lilith in Mesopotamia First Lilith (Lilitu) is of Mesopotamian origin. She is a female "demon"/"succubus" (Consider I use here modern terms, Sumerian or Akkadian got no clue what those was). We find ...
Gibet's user avatar
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7 votes

Does the Abrahamic God smite people with lightning?

Apparently, yes. In the Bible there are several instances of fire raining down from the sky or "coming from the presence of" God and falling upon people. Some interpret these as lightning-strikes. ...
Adinkra's user avatar
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6 votes

Are the Nephilim the demi-gods of the bible?

In accordance with both Jewish and Christian theology, there is only 1 God - Yahweh - who is the creator of everything: angels, people, animals, the universe, earth, etc. Worship of anything or anyone ...
Christian Sirolli's user avatar
6 votes

Does the Abrahamic God smite people with lightning?

For this answer to work you will need the entire story of Job and his struggles, which is why I have included all of Job 1. I like it because it is the first poetic book in the Old Testament of the ...
Tom Sol's user avatar
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6 votes

Significance of Enoch's age in the Hebrew Bible and identification with seventh antediluvian king/sage from Mesopotamian mythology

A few possible answers: From a more secular view: Heinrich Zimmern in The Babylonian and the Hebrew Genesis (Originally in German "Biblische und babylonische Urgeschichte"), pg 44-45, wrote: ...
Harel13's user avatar
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5 votes

Are There Biblical References to Good Magic?

It's always hard to prove a negative but I'm gonna try. The bible is full of verses explicitly telling the reader that magic, sorcery, necromancy or divination is not allowed and should not be ...
Tom Sol's user avatar
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4 votes

According to Biblical account, why fallen angels' offspring are giants? Or are they egg-born?

There is here and there some confusions in your question. The Nephilims What your are talking about in your question are the "Nephilims". Let's read the Bible (I will use the NIV as a reference text)...
Gibet's user avatar
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4 votes

Are the Nephilim the demi-gods of the bible?

Are the Nephilim the demi-gods of the bible? Impossible to say, but I doubt it. Let us start by seeing who the Nephilim of the Scripture may truly be: The Nephilim (Hebrew: נְפִילִים) were the ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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4 votes

Do any ancient sources describe Set as a mortal? And could Set be Sekhen?

Seth and Sekhen/Ka are completely unrelated names & meanings. Below are the names of Ka (left) and his queen Ha (right): There are also inscriptions presenting an upright serekh with an upside-...
Codosaur's user avatar
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4 votes

What God or Gods matches up the most with being the "God of Fortresses" mentioned in the Bible in Daniel 11:38?

Biblical scholars specializing in Daniel identify this "god of fortresses" with Zeus Olympios, who is also being referred to in the surrounding verses. See, e.g., Amy-Jill Levine in The New ...
Arthur George's user avatar
3 votes

Are the Nephilim the demi-gods of the bible?

Nephilim are Enoch's version of the Mesopothamian corpora. Given that Enoch lived in the 3rd century before modern era he had no clue to whom he was referring to: Nephilim are the hebrew language ...
Wolves' Shepherd.'s user avatar
3 votes

Are the Anunnaki mentioned in the Bible?

Abraham came from Sumer. His birth place was "Ur of the Chaldees", namely UR KAŠDIM (אוּר כַּשְׂדִּים). This is explicitly stated in Genesis 11:28: "And died Haran before the face of ...
Le-O-Nāi-Tasi Le-koleni's user avatar
3 votes

Tubal-cain (תּוּבַל קַיִן) and Vulcan

Googling Vulcan and Tubalcain has revealed a wealth of information: The McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia writes: "The derivation of the name is extremely obscure. Hasse (Entdeckungen, 2,...
Harel13's user avatar
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3 votes

Was Eannatum, the real historical figure that was characterised as Adam, in the Garden of Eden narrative?

If there is a connection, and I cannot stress this if enough, all it would indicate is that yet another biblical myth is based on older stories. It certainly doesn't in any way "prove" that ...
Codosaur's user avatar
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2 votes

What was Jesus's original name?

My understanding is that, from the Hebrew perspective at least, Yeshua would be one answer. "The name corresponds to the Greek spelling Iesous, from which, through the Latin Iesus, comes the English ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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2 votes

Are the Anunnaki mentioned in the Bible?

Anunnaki - Gods of Sumeria Or fallen Angels?? I found it very interesting that the earliest civilisation known to us in the historical records, the Sumerians, have a religion that talks of these ...
sebastian langley's user avatar
2 votes

Have Adam and Eve ever eaten the fruit from Tree of Life?

Nope, they did not get that tasty fruit that would have granted them eternal life: Now the Lord God said, "Behold man has become like one of us, having the ability of knowing good and evil, and ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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2 votes

Definitive text on special stones

I have struggled to find a taxonomy of special stones or gems that takes the modern approach like a reference book. Under luminous gemstones there are part mythical part story works of scholarship. I ...
Snack_Food_Termite's user avatar
2 votes

Are There Biblical References to Good Magic?

Codosaur's user avatar
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2 votes

Are There Biblical References to Good Magic?

In Genesis 1:14, God creates the Sun, Moon and Stars for "signs" And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs,...
Ben Warner's user avatar
2 votes

Ba'al-Pe'or outside of Jewish sources

The only ancient sources I have been able to find are from the works of Roman and Greek Christians from the early stages of the Christianisation of the Roman Empire. These typically are acquainted ...
Adinkra's user avatar
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1 vote

Any stories in Bible/Christian mythology about person regaining Adam's primeval innocence?

This concept does not originate in Christian mythology, not even in Judaic mythology. It is "borrowed" from older stories: in the Sumerian Enki and Ninhursag, we find the concept of a primordial ...
Codosaur's user avatar
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