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Odin's Counterpart

The key point here is Roman Syncretism. The romans believed the world was full of different gods, and they didn't presume to know about all of them, or to know everything about the ones they already ...
femtoRgon's user avatar
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Did ancient Egypt use the abbreviation IHS for "Isis, Horus, and Seb"?

Short answer: Obviously NOT... Long answer: Each time you see pseudoscience coming and pointing its dirty nose on any subject... Feel free to think smelly things are in the air. First, that a trilogy ...
Gibet's user avatar
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Anyone know what this symbol means?

Looks like the Adinkra "Aya" (fern) symbol: Adinkra is not Egyptian, though. It originates from the Ashanti and Baoulé peoples, in the neighborhood of Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire (respectively).
femtoRgon's user avatar
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If any Ancient Egyptian Texts exist as Hieroglyphics in Online Documents

Here is a compilation of various resources to learn ancient classical Egyptian (aka Middle Egyptian) and a selection of various corpus to read. NB: The texts and resources I am quoting here and purely ...
Gibet's user avatar
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Do the myths of Malayalam Onam, Egyptian Osiris Myth and Vietnamese Tet show cultural contacts?

That's a definite "no" as far as an Egyptian connection is concerned. A much more plausible explanation is that in creating myths, humans follow a limited number of patterns, regardless of ...
Codosaur's user avatar
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How did Atenism explain night-time?

Atenism offers a very good example of the exclusivity of presence. We find it in the moment of dawn and dusk. The religious ideas with which Akhenaten grew up were those of the New Solar Theology. It ...
Tom Sol's user avatar
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Hall of Two Truths: Ancient Egypt

It is "Hall of Two Truths", or "Dual Truth" Note that this hall is also sometimes called "Double Ma'at", inferring Isis and Nephtys.
Codosaur's user avatar
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Hall of Two Truths: Ancient Egypt

To add to Codosaur's useful answer re the Egyptian words often written in English as Maat/Maaty, with apologies if you already know some of this. I have taken courses both in Hieroglyphics and Ancient ...
Timothy's user avatar
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Is there a Western (Greek, Roman, Egyptian, or Norse) god of the cosmos?

I think the primordial Titan Oceanus qualifies. The ocean might seem like an odd choice for a god of the cosmos, until you consider pre-classic era Greeks believed in a flat earth floating in an ...
Girsan Virlee's user avatar
6 votes

Odin's Counterpart

Mercury and Hermes are basically the same. The Roman Mercury is simply the Greek Hermes. Now Toth. Toth is a pure Egyptian God. In 300 BC Egypt was conquered by Alexander the Great and one of his ...
Gibet's user avatar
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What is the difference between Ra and Horus?

Egyptian Mythology is not my area of focus, but I'll attempt a high-level answer. Both are associated with the sky, and they even seem to merge in the form of Ra-Horakhty. Merging of gods is not ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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Is there a 'Messenger of the Gods' figure in Egyptian mythology?

Other than the little known Apt, arguably the closest direct Egyptian analog to Hermes would be the synthetic deity Hermanubis. Who is, as you might guess from the name, the result of combining of ...
Semaphore's user avatar
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What animals were represented in gods in ancient Egypt?

Animals representations are quite common in Egyptian mythology. Here is a partial list of Ancient Egyptian deities with animal associations and attributes: Lion: Aker Pat Remler: Egyptian Mythology,...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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Do the Egyptian gods bleed?

As far as if they do bleed, yes they do: In a passage of the Book of the Dead, Ra cuts himself, and his blood transforms into two intellectual personifications: Hu, or authority, and Sia, or mind. ...
GKE's user avatar
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Are there any common concepts in Egypt and Norse mythology / civilization?

Jörmungandr and Apep 1-2 They Both try to/or destroy creation where not worshipped but feared. Are great(huge) serpents.(although in some stories Apep is portrayed as a crocodile) Both are believed ...
Tom Sol's user avatar
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What is the difference between Ra and Horus?

The comment above stated already that mixing Deities and attributes was not uncommon (astralistic bionic statues, appeal and invocation rites and ancient magic) and depending on the region and temple ...
Wolves' Shepherd.'s user avatar
5 votes

Why did Heracles transform into a fawn, during the gods flight to Egypt?

Going off of the idea that "fawn" could equate "gazelle" Herakles might have meant to correlate with Resheph, a war god who is sometimes symbolized with a gazelle. Normally Resheph ...
LD50's user avatar
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What is the connection of Egyptian mythology to Atlantis?

According to Plato the Greeks didn't knew of this story. The first Greek to learn about Atlantis was Solon, who stayed for some time in Egypt. The story says that a wise Egyptian priest told Solon ...
Stavros D's user avatar
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Is there an Egyptian Old Man of the Sea?

Interesting Question, in the Orphic Hymns there is a following invocation to Proteus: Oh Keeper of the keys to the chambers of the deeps, By whose illustrious power all Nature's laws are clearly ...
Wolves' Shepherd.'s user avatar
5 votes

What do we know about the ram-headed deities helping Shu support Nut in the Greenfield Papyrus?

THE NAMES OF THE PAIR Next to their pictures on the papyrus, the divinities' names (or epithets?) are written in Medw Neter, the "Words of God," i.e. hieroglyphs by their designation in the language ...
Adinkra's user avatar
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Mother Earth or Father Earth?

Much of this will depend on the language you are looking at. German has "die Erde" (the earth, feminine), "die Sonne" (the sun, feminine), "der Mond" (the moon, masculine), etc. Where the German ...
Oliver-Grimm's user avatar
5 votes

Mother Earth or Father Earth?

Many primal ~agricultural deities tended to be female. By primal I mean more rudimentary natural life oriented concepts like plants, fertility, growing. This is in contrast to more sophisticated ...
anon's user avatar
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Did the ancient Egyptians worship Cats and Dogs deities at the same period?

Dog and Cat deities were worshiped together as early as the Second Dynasty (2890 BCE) in the forms of Anubis and Bastet, but the recorded worship of Anubis dates back to even the First Dynasty (3100 ...
Codosaur's user avatar
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Is there a Western (Greek, Roman, Egyptian, or Norse) god of the cosmos?

Well the only ones I know of that you could count are all Greek: Aether: the primordial god of the upper air, light, the atmosphere, space and heaven. Atlas: the primordial titan of astronomy ...
Mystogan's user avatar
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Why were the lungs left inside the mummy of Herakleides, instead of the heart?

The only explanation that comes to mind for me is that the traditional religion and it's methods were not as present anymore during the later ptolemaic years. It might have been an “accident“ rather ...
user4308's user avatar
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What is Sobek's place in the Egyptian pantheon?

Sobek is a god that has been worshipped throughout all the Egyptian, from the Old Kingdom up to the Ptolemy time. His name in Egyptian is SBK [notice the hieroglyphs S (reed) + B (foot) + K (basket) + ...
Gibet's user avatar
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Do vegetation deities tend to be connected with the Moon?

In terms of whether lunar deities in general tend to be connected to the moon, my high-level sense is that this is not the case per se, though I'd have to do more digging to be more definitive. ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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Is there an Egyptian Old Man of the Sea?

There is no especially close correspondence between Homer's Proteus, as a Halios Geron, "Old Man of the Sea," and any deity in the Ancient Egyptian pantheons. Two Egyptian water deities could be noted ...
Adinkra's user avatar
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What is known about A’ani, the ancient Egyptian God of Equilibrium?

I have not found much. All I have found is that A'an resides in Duat(the Underworld/realm of the dead). As the god of equilibrium, he took the form of an ape. He recorded the weighing of the hearts of ...
Andrew Johnson's user avatar

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