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Tamil mythology: Where can I find Nakkirar's description of the Sangams? (English translation if possible.)

Many websites refer to the Tamil legend of a submerged land off southern India, where the sangams took place. E.g. This lost land is often equated with ...
user3561869's user avatar
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What caused the Mojave flood?

I stumbled upon this summary of the Mojave flood myth: Many years ago, people lived under the ground. There came a time when there was no food, when the people sent a humming-bird up to see what he ...
yannis's user avatar
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Why did the gods use flooding to wipe out the human race?

Why is it that the gods used flooding to kill humans? Why not fire or a plague?
Xandra Wolfbane's user avatar
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Why do so many cultures have a myth of the world being made or remade from water?

In various creation and flood myths the world is said to be remade from water, why would different ancient cultures have this same theme?
Xandra Wolfbane's user avatar
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What started the flood in Sumerian Mythology?

This version of the great flood myth, I have found, is unique because it does not appear as if the gods started it or caused it. Just that they knew of it and didn't warn or try to save the humans. ...
Andrew Johnson's user avatar
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When are the flood myths in mythologies?

History places the flood myths as a culture's way to explain the end of the last ice age. This happened about 10,000 years ago. But this book I'm reading (The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica,...
Andrew Johnson's user avatar
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What is the Norse equivalent to the Great Flood?

I have constantly heard that every mythology has its own version to explain why the ocean rose after the last ice age ended(roughly 10,000 years ago). But, I have only heard the christian version with ...
Andrew Johnson's user avatar
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Common theme that humans had longer lifespans before the flood?

Several pre-flood myths seem to mention humans being able to live for extremely long periods of time. IIRC, the Sumerians had a list of kings that lived for thousands of years pre-flood, and post-...
Question's user avatar
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Does every culture have a deluge myth?

A deluge myth is a story of a big flood that kills everyone. A few examples: Noah's Ark The story of Deucalion The flood in the epic of Gilgamesh The story of Bergelmir ... and so on. Is there a ...
bleh's user avatar
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Flood myth = Maritime Voyages & Colonization Interpretation?

I am currently studying various flood myths from all around the world. I interprete this whole story as a maritime voyage & colonization story: The ark is simply a ship (bigger than a cockleshell;...
xaedes's user avatar
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What caused the Deluge?

In Tablet XI of the Epic of Gilgamesh, Uta-napishti relays the story of the Deluge: Said Uta-napishti to him, to Gilgamesh: 'Let me disclose, Gilgamesh, a matter most secret, to you will tell a ...
yannis's user avatar
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The Last Glacial Period in Myth

Many cultures have a flood myth. Is any one aware of any myth having to do with the last glacial period? Or do all mythologies start when the ice has melted and caused wide spread flooding?
BobB's user avatar
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Are Noah and Ziusudra the same person?

There are similarities between the stories of Noah from the Bible and Ziusudra hero of the Sumerian flood epic. Both stories describe a flood myth. Based on what kind of information/similarities we ...
kenorb's user avatar
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What was the plant that Gilgamesh found after Utnapishtim's story?

I'm assuming that the Gilgamesh myth is fairly distinct from the Mesoamerican Fountain of Youth and the Hindu Soma, but are there any corroborating myths or other research into the details of the ...
luser droog's user avatar