Babylonian, Sumerian or Mesopotamian
Mesopotamia is the ancient Greek name for the land between the rivers, the Euphrates and the Tigris. This geographical location is more or less modern day Iraq. The ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia ...
Did the Babylonians, Norse Vikings, Japanese or Greeks have a concept of a soulmate?
The only locus classicus I can think of for the notion of a soul-mate is Aristophanes’ speech in Plato’s Symposium 189c–193d, which does spin a kind of myth to account for it (and ...
Which 'Sea' does Tiamat represent, and why did she turn into a serpent?
The Enuma Elish begins with the creation of the universe, originally an undifferentiated mass of water swirling in chaos. The waters divided into fresh and salt. The freshwater formed the god Apsu and ...
Why are the domains of sexuality and fertility commonly associated with battle & war?
This answer will be evolving as I run down more suitable references, and add examples, but just to quickly give you a lead on this perceptive question:
I wouldn't necessarily make the association ...
Which Mesopotamian gods had sacred numbers?
To start things off, here are the ones I know of, taken from here:
10 for Adad, god of storms and power
15 for Ishtar, goddess of love and war
20 for Shamash, god of the sun and justice
30 for Sîn, ...
Did the inhabitants of the ancient Near East believe in an ocean in the sky?
Not sure if my entry helps because its not connected with Near East but there are mentions in the ancient texts of the East (Hindu tradition) such as Padma Purana or Srimad Bhagavtam, where you will ...
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