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7 votes

What is this symbol on my necklace?

This is the dove with a halo, as a christian symbol for the Holy Spirit or the soul. The colour red is associated with the blood of Christ and with the Holy Spirit. The fact that you bought it in ...
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6 votes

Why Does the Devil Have a Silver Nose

Italo Calvino mentioned in his Italian Folktales that the silver nose was rare even in Italian tales. But a silver nose was sometimes used as a prosthetic, when you lost a nose to syphilis. Hence, a ...
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2 votes

What Ionia does Solinus say is named after Ione, daughter of Aulochus?

In 1629, Claude de Saumaise, who also styled himself by a Latinised form of his name, as Claudius Salmasius, wrote a commentary on Solinus's Polyhistor text to which you are referring. He was just as ...
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